Thursday, February 20


Most of the droplets glisten when they capture the meagre early morning sunlight, others appear opaque. The window pane is littered with static rain beads giving the appearance of pockmarked glass. Then when the fast moving grey clouds curtain the sun, the droplets become almost invisible allowing my eye through the distraction. I now watch the trees in the garden are dancing in the brisk breeze, it fluctuates from a gentle flip of the lighter branches to whole tree contortions. 

We have a stained glass plaque in the window and at the moment, brief flashes of sun sing through the colours scattering speckles of colour on the glass.

Himself left for work while it was still the last drifts of darkness leaving the cat and me in bed, his parting shot - I'd stay there if I were you. So we have. Although I suspect I will be up long before the cat.

The hyacinths in the lounge have both decorated the room and the air with their delicious scent and blue flowers however they are beginning to fade and I am sorry to see them go. It will be another ten months before we have them up on the mantel and in the window again.  Primula have been brought in to fill that hole.

The cat is rhythmically snoring beneath Himself's aged lumberjack shirt - one reserved specifically for gardening and tucking around a cold sleeping cat.

I can see, but not hear, the wind chime in the garden twirling around in the wind. It is an elegant spiral of tubes which normally share a gentle chime as they tink against each other. Today I suspect it is more of an angry clash than a melodic background sound. The blackbirds do not seem to care. They are busily foraging around the plants and bird feeder breaking off only to chase each other around and across the garage roof.

I plan to paint once I have posted this. I  can feel the compulsion to sketch and run a watercolour filled brush across paper. It sometimes feels like a rising tide which I used to suppress - somehow 'adulting' seemed more important - but now I heed that urge.

Life is for living.


  1. The security of a shirt...
    Definitely a day to hibernate

  2. The adulting can wait. Relax and enjoy!

    1. Yup, had enough adulting recently , time to play😊

  3. I love the scent of hyacinths, I wish they lasted longer than they do. Pan looks so adorable tucked up like that :)

    1. It is one of my favourite scents too 😊

  4. It is lovely though that you can swap the hyacinths for primroses. :)

    1. The primroses look really good on the mantel, think I need to take a photo :)

  5. I didn't plant any hyacinths this year. I miss their delightful scent.
    Mog has also taken to snuggling in blankets a lot, this year. X

    1. Their scent is so lingering, I love it. Pan is getting on a bit and loves her creature comforts :)

  6. Awww, look at that snuggly cat! xxx

    1. She was so warm - took her ages to get up 😺

  7. I too am a firm believer, if I have a choice (eg housework or craft work) I select what I (ME) want to do. I've worked for many years at other people's calling and now I try to get lots of ME time in..... so go and paint! x

    1. I shall! and I did! (paint that is) and yes - if there is a choice - ditch housework😁
