Tuesday, February 11

snapshots and scents

The plan was - get up, shower, strip the bedding then stick on the washing machine, finally sitting down with a mug of peppermint tea and toast..... The first two happened fairly smoothly, that is until it came to pulling back the duvet only to find the cat firmly burrowed beneath Himself's warm padded shirt. I hesitated. Her eyes were so firmly shut it felt quite disrespectful to disturb her. Instead I worked my way through the wash basket hoping that by the time I was ready to pull the bed apart, Pan would have decided to get up and leave me to my chores..... not a chance.
So I carefully untucked the corners of the sheets, gently pulling them to the centre. This produced the 'ears of annoyance' and the 'frown of disapproval'. I stopped. This time, I slowly pulled the duvet to the now bared mattress - this was considered inappropriate behaviour and I was given the sharpest of glares. 
How is it I have been reduced to a timid char lady to an elderly cantankerous cat?! 
I tried again, this time she poured herself out of the nest she had created and slipped off the bed and away with a rather cross flick flick of her tail.

Chores done, breakfast eaten, carpets briefly tickled with the vacuum cleaner I reached for my knitting to do whilst I finished my tea. For what felt like the longest time, I have not had the need or the urge to knit or crochet however that seems to have returned and in the last few days I have knitted a pseudo-Sophie scarf and a warm scrappy hat for work. 

The weather has vanished again, leaving a sepia-grey sky heavy with damp and cold air. It took quite a bit of an effort on my part to go out, so I rewarded myself with the snowdrops in the garden. 

The kitchen at the moment, smells rather warm and inviting - I have a marzipan and vanilla loaf cake cooking in the oven and the fragrance is filling downstairs with a mouth watering aroma.

I hope that it tastes as good as it smells😊

Postscript..... Himself declares the cake delicious and has scoffed two chunky slices, suspect it will be a 'make it again' 🍰


  1. Pan looks so cute in her nest - I would have left her there and done the bed later 😊

    1. I kept putting it off for most of the day - that cat must have a bladder of steel coz she was not for moving! haha :D

  2. Laughing at you - a lot! Whilst I do not see you as a timid char lady, I suspect a certain elderly lady rules her staff with a firm paw, x
    I confess to delaying stripping the bed or staightening the sofa on many occasions because either would have involved disturbing a very warm and snuggly Someone!

    1. We certainly do have a firm paw situation going on here! 😁

  3. The cake sounds delicious. A flavour combination I would very much enjoy. Arilx

    1. I'm going to share the recipe - rather yum indeed :)

  4. I guess we know who owns the bed. Great description!

    1. The cat has a policy of - whatever she is sitting/sleeping on - is hers.....

  5. Good to see snowdrops.

    That cake is inviting..a very tasty combination I should imagine

    1. It was very tasty - certainly a do it again cake :)

  6. The bed situation sounds all too familiar :)

    1. What is it about cats and our complete subjugation in their obviously superior being??

  7. Oooh the cake sounds amazing. The weather here is dreadful too. We have lots of February jobs we really want to get done before we can head back over to Wales but time is running out. I think we are due some sunshine next week 🀞🀞🀞. Carol x

    1. That cake is/was rather good πŸ˜‹We've had yet another dreary day weatherwise - I am ready for some blue skies and sunshine.

  8. I love your cat, I would have done the same so as not to disturb her 😊

  9. Read this yesterday on old laptop where I can't leave comments at all. Pan does seem very comfortable in bed, the snowdrops are gorgeous & wow that cake does look tempting. Take care & hugs.

  10. Look at that snuggly puss! It would have been criminal to move her.
    I'm not usually a cake person but I'm salivating at your creation! xxx

  11. That cake must have had a beautiful scent; marzipan and vanilla are two of my favourite flavours. Your bed-hogging Pan reminded me of Mickey; he'd sit in Beloved's chair and then Beloved would have to sit elsewhere! Thanks for the memory. x

  12. Pan is very much like my Slinky. I don't even like to hoover the bedroom when she's on the bed incase I disturb her....she's the boss!
