Friday, October 13

Not mushroom in my head

Nursing a dizzy-making head cold is not exactly conducive to a sparkling post full of wit but then, being well doesn't guarantee one either... let's see what my fingers will tap out tonight...

Autumn shades and temperatures have landed alongside strange aliens found nestling around tree roots. 

Visits to both RHS Harlow Carr and NT Nostell Priory were filled with flying saucers of the fungi kind, shaggy rockets of inky delight, tumbling bracket fungus and delicate parasols.

They are secretive or showy, glorious or rather gloopy (the Shaggy Inkcap) , cute and bijou des-res for pixie folk or staggeringly beautiful with hallucinogenic and psychotic results as in the case of the Fly Agaric
However they are all amazing vessels for the imagination as well as a transport system for trees - carrying nutrients into their root zones - how amazing is that both deadly AND symbiotic.

An unknown (to me) voluptuous white fungus growing upward in a blousy and luxuriant almost indolent manner had me crawling around in the leaf litter trying to capture it in all it's glory, all the time being watched over by a gloriously stately tree.

Post script - I can not promise that 'normal transmission will return shortly' but the sooner my head stops spinning quite in such a vertiginous way - the better. 
So - send gossip and updates and please tell me you have escaped this dreaded lurgy which seems to be pouncing on unsuspecting folk x


  1. We are doing our best to avoid colds...hope yours clears soon.
    Beautiful colours and can understand why they get copied in knitting!

    1. The cold still lingers - seems happily ensconced in my head and sinuses (yay) but on a mushroomy note - there is a lot of textiles/ornaments with a fungi theme this year I've noticed

  2. Lovely fungi. I've had shaggy inkcap in the garden here. I don't recall ever seeing the red spotty one but it's so identifiable. It is about 30 years since I was last at Harlow Carr.... hope you are feeling better soon. x

    1. I'd certainly recommend a visit - lovely gentle walking and tea rooms at either end! Bit pricey to enter if you are not an RHS member though 😔

  3. Oh dear...please do get better soon. It's just rotten feeling pun intended. Such lovely pictures of the strangeness of nature...oh so beautiful, and mysterious...just right for this time of year. Wishing you a speedy recovery. xx

  4. So pretty. I always feel fortunate when I find an other worldly fungi. :)

  5. Love the fungi pictures and I did wonder if fairy folk were there watching you. From one wuzzy head to another. Get well soon. xx

  6. Oh wow. Those fungi photos are stunning
