Tuesday, January 2

New start


The new year started simply - a damp and grey sky with a sliver of sunlight, but dry enough to do the planned walk. Both our boys and their lovely girls were with us and with a borrowed dog, we sploshed and splashed our way around a local walk.
And for a brief couple of hours we had blue blue skies - something I have sorely missed.

And it felt good.


  1. Lovely to grab the chance of a bit of blue sky!

    1. especially as there has ben so little lately x

  2. I hope this is a good year for you and yours.

  3. My son and I were talking about January. As quiet souls we embrace the calmness and stripped back landscape. It does help when the sun comes out though! Happy New Year to you all. Arilx

    1. We're similar - and yes - sunshine does make things a whole lot better! Happy New Year to you too! 😊❤️

  4. Happy New Year, Kate! It must have felt like quite an achievement to get out whilst it was dry. It feels like it's rained non-stop lately. Xx
