Tuesday, February 4

Cross eyed and derpy

Saturday was one of those gentle early spring days when the sky is a thin almost translucent blue. The kind of sky that fills your eyes with light right to your very soul. It was still crisp and the breeze cutting but with coats, hats and gloves we were warm enough as we walked into town from our little weekend hideaway. 

Walking over the dark green arched bridge we met a border collie and his lovely owner. They were off for a walk she told us and that he'd (the dog) had just come back from the dog parlour and his fur was soft and clean. I buried my hands and face into his luxuriant coat and he smelt rather good. Apparently he was prone to rolling in things rather less that sweet smelling and had to have a 'shampoo and set' at least weekly. He was ever so slightly cross eyed with a derpy pink tongue hanging out of his mouth - he was wonderful.

Bumbling around the town while we re-discovered it, we noticed that over the years how it had altered from a town which seemed to be just a cluster of odd houses and even odder shops along a main route - to one that was filled with micro-pubs, bijou restaurants and trendy gift shops. 

Even the once rough and ready bakery which served really good (but huge) home bakes had scrubbed up and was more 'rustic' in a hipster sort of way. Fortunately the baking was still delicious and super sized. Seemed churlish not to order chunky mugs of tea and something to eat, so we did...... (no lunch was needed!)
Walking back to the cottage we reminisced how we'd looked into possibly buying a house here but were concerned at how out on a limb this town felt, now a decade later,  it feels vibrant and positive and even if we did want to move - we could no longer afford it. 

It was now time to walk off those calories we'd picked up in the bakery .... more to follow ...


  1. I've never heard the word "derpy" before!
    What a shame that town has got too pricey to live in. Loving the industrial vibe of the bakery although that icing sugar sets my teeth on edge! xxx

  2. Derpy - not sure where it originates but the gist of it is slightly cross eyed, goofy, simple ... And this lovely dog fitted that description to a T!
    Yes, that iced finger was nearly the end of me! Thank goodness for a strong mug of tea๐Ÿ˜

  3. I love the sound of the derpy dog and goodness, that iced bun! I'm in awe. :)

    1. Yes, that iced bun will go down in folk lore!

  4. That baked item looks ample and delicious. Yum!

    1. That sticky bun is know here in the uk as an iced finger bun - but this particular bun was a GIANT finger bun! It was almost too much - but I soldiered on! ๐Ÿ˜

  5. Sounds like a lovely walk, especially with doggy cuddles as well. Stay warm, take care & hugs.

    1. Thanks Susan - it was a lovely border collie - and smelt so nice after his bath๐Ÿ˜

  6. I know that shop so I know where're you're staying! There is (or used to be) an 'antiques' shop/barn not too far away and it was interesting to look at the exhibits and think 'there was one of these at home when I was a child'. x

    1. I know that shop you are talking about - it's still there!

  7. Lovely looking bun…but you really need a good cup of tea with something so sweet! X
