Tuesday, September 12


The weekend was overcast and sultry. The air heavy and treacle thick whilst we worked in the garden. Unusually we had no commitments, no plans - nothing scheduled, just us, the cat and the garden.

Quietly over the years, the garden has strived for 'world domination' - especially the rambler and climbing roses, so this year they have been served antisocial behaviour notices and benefited from a slash and burn style cut back. One - a Madam Alfred Carriere climbing rose - which according to the blub is 'exceptionally tall' had certainly lived up to the hype. She is(was) a big lass. 

Our garden is heavily shaded out by the neighbouring trees as well as a couple of our own which will be taken down a peg or two sometime during the winter months. This has meant my preferred style of planting - my own take on a prairie mix - fails to thrive beneath the treed canopy. 

I've doggedly struggled, in vain, to have my dream planting hence me falling out of love of my garden. Recently Himself and I returned from an all too brief break in Dumfries and Galloway where we lingered in the garden of Broughton House, Kirkcudbright. My ears were opened to the most sublime ( shady - very shady) and beautiful garden.

I am invigorated!

post script - why does, on one of the warmest, most humid of days in this topsy turvy summer/autumn we are living in - why does the cat choose to nap in a metal wheelbarrow, in the glasshouse...?


  1. Nice to see the garden...and get the new blog address, thanks...I missed the September post!!..

    1. Thank you ❤️if, next time you are around Kirkcudbright and have the time - Broughton House is a lovely spot to visit x

  2. Cats always defy the odds. Love the sound of a shady garden. Good luck. B x

    1. they do! The shade is more welcome these days now the summers are hotter and drier.

  3. I loved seeing your pictures of the Broughton House gardens and look forward to seeing how your garden is going to change. xx

  4. and as for Pan, cats always seem to just want to lie and melt when they could find somewhere cooler. xx

    1. Dogs too, lying in the sun panting when they could be stretched out in the shade!

  5. " the garden has strived for 'world domination' "
    You have my complete sympathies, and understanding.

    Mine has spent this year (and the last couple before that) trying her best to go completely feral and escape me completely. And yes, the constant fight does make you fall out of love with it all.

    Cross fingers for us both to have a good Autumn where we can gently work on gaining an upper hand. xx

    post script: very little which cats do makes sense, except to the cat.

    1. Knowing that your garden has similar egotistical traits and that you are also planning a gentle autumnal return to power makes me feel less overwhelmed, chuckle - it will be a case of 'gardeners unite against unruly gardens' ๐Ÿ˜

  6. It's lovely to see your blog pop up again. The cat asleep in the wheelbarrow is such an adorable image. I've left my garden to do her thing this year, it's a complete mess but the foxes, cats and squirrels love it! xxx

    1. Thank you ๐Ÿ˜Š it is amazing what happily lives in a garden when left to ramble quietly to itself๐Ÿ˜

  7. I do like unruly gardens but there is a limit as to how unruly is adequate. Good luck. At least with the cat sleeping in the wheelbarrow, nothing can creep under her! x

    1. there is unruly - then there is mine...
      although now it is in places sparce and bare whilst still maintaining large sections of wilderness!

  8. ...because cats are nutters!!! Super good to see you pop up in my reading list Kate. Lovely that you have been invigorated in the garden. Hmmm, now I'm in the mood for a cappuccino .... xXx

    1. They are definitely laws unto themselves ๐Ÿ˜นthat frothy mug of utter deliciousness is Chai Latte - ooh yum! Think I might go and make myself one nom nom nom!

  9. Ah, yes! The strange mind of the cat. Mine are just the same. Xx

    1. They do have a different way of seeing things ๐Ÿ˜ธ

  10. Broughton House is one of my favourites, sitting at the end looking over the water. Its a joy to visit at snowdrop time too.
