Sunday, January 12

Not quite as planned

Today has been an odd day, one that any plans, simple or otherwise have taken a journey of their own and despite all good intentions - 'things' have happened.

An entire can of carpet glue exploding upstairs and spiralling furiously as it sprayed the stickiest 'web' everywhere until it expired

A water pipe being pierced by a nail by a previous unknown workman and on removing the nail some decades later - a present workman created an unwelcome water leak. He was horrified and very apologetic even though it was not him.

Decades old pipes, wires and a 1976 newspaper lying amidst so much filth and dust between the floorboards that it felt like an archaeological dig rather than a repair job

A lemon drizzle cake - usually the mildest and meekest of bakes - fought back and caused so many deviations that subsequently a lot more washing up was created.

All this before lunch............

And now, sitting on the floor, listening to the ice melt dripping, the neighbour drilling and the radio churning out over-cheerful yabba, I am mending Himself's hat. 

And it suddenly feels a whole lot better.


  1. Sounds like a very eventful day. We have an old house and every job we seem to do ends up uncovering something we didn’t want to find. We have had a very lazy day watching our local team Tamworth battle against Spurs in the FA Cup. Not that I’m a football fan at all but I’m glad we watched it and our town did themselves proud 😊. Carol x

    1. Yes ours it an old house - round about 170 ish years old - not fully sure, and the oddities and 'character' it has can some days cause a bit of head scratching when we are trying to do something - but it's all part and parcel with living in a home that has had a bit of a history! Congrats Team Tamworth🐗

  2. Old shoddy work is annoying and could be dangerous..last March we had a new gas boiler fitted and it disturbed an old joint in a gas pipe...with practically no soldering.
    But yes, good to have things done and the world feels better

    1. We were horrified at how much was just loitering beneath the floorboards. Generations of workmen have added new wires/pipes/conduit and it put it on top of the old, layer upon layer - each time nailing down the plank with more nails - scary what goes on beneath the carpets!

  3. Now I've got Van Morrison's voice in my head singing "Days llke this ..." . Which is really odd, because the song is about exactly the opposite of the start to your day. Congratulations on getting through it so philosopically, and enjoy the calm after upheaval!

  4. A potentially very bad day that finished well by the sound of it.
