Thursday, January 18


It was ... - 9°C (15.8°F)  this morning when we got up - well I say we - Himself had to chisel his van out of the ice box it seemed to have acquired over night. He'd covered the windscreen and set up the van heater ready to switch on as soon as he was up.

Me? well, I was in bed still nursing a mug of steaming hot tea.... did I feel a tad guilty? Sort of.... 

...But not quite enough to do anything other than weakly offer some help which he (fortunately) turned down.

I don't work on a Thursday - so although I was home yesterday (Wednesday) it was still technically a work day so I cracked on with some paintings I am doing for the garden. When I initially took over the job, one of the first things I noticed - the lack of any insect or bird life. The walled garden (still very new then) had the occasional crow or pigeon visitor but on the whole - a very quiet and lonely place despite being situated in a park and surrounded by gardens.

So - as soon as I could I started to 'age' the garden, fill it with not just monoculture rows of vegetables but flowers and shrubs. Slowly but surely the insect population began to increase. I had an apprentice and a student the first summer and we did a 'non-scientific' but serious-to-us insect survey and found that in those few short months - we had more than I had hoped which confirmed my decisions. 

Since then we have pushed the garden to have many styles of planting - not just for interest for the visitor but to increase biodiversity and introduce the idea that vegetable gardening can be not just productive but ornamental as well as being pollinator friendly.

This summer we'll be adding these painted plaques (plus more which are being painted by an artistic volunteer) around the garden where the insects have been spotted. On the backs we are going to write their Latin and common names - hopefully it will spark interest and curiosity and encouragement.
The bird life has improved too - I am more than delighted. There is room for improvement but as far as things go - I am very pleased.

The insects are: Ground Beetle, Hairy Shield Bug, Garden Bumble Bee, European Bee (honey bee) and Rosemary Beetle.

Post Script : It is a really chilly but beautiful day, think I might venture outside with a mug of tea and my camera and try to capture the magic of a sparkly ice encrusted twig or two, besides I need to feed the birds and top up their water. But first I think I need to put on a whole lot more clothing!! What are you doing today? Keeping warm I hope and enjoying the clear blue skies. 


  1. Oooh -9 is very chilly. Love the plaques and glad the garden is developing so well. πŸ˜€ Carol - Life of Pottering

  2. Nice to 'see' you again Carol, thank you for popping into my blog 😊 It is chilly at the moment, my youngest son is wanting to go for a quick walk as it looks so beautiful - but the air is brittle cold !

    1. I have finally got round to updating my reading list with your new blog name so can see easily again when you have posted. X

  3. Here our weather station recorded -6.3 at 5:55 this morning. Hubby had to get son in law to jump start his van. He's now popped home for lunch to collect a delivery of batteries...lots of customers machines need new batteries when it gets this cold. We also had a shower of very dry snow shortly before 8am. There has been some sun, however I'm being a wimp and staying in next to the fire. It was a bad night of joint pain and I ended up on the sofa once more. x

    1. Not a problem being a wimp - it is a form of survival and should be encouraged! Hope you have a better night x

  4. That garden is coming along well, and the plaques will be a help to people.
    Staying warm here...but hopefully going out tonight to a YFC concertπŸ˜ŽπŸ™‚

    1. I am hoping the wooden insect plaques will pique interest, there is a genuine lack of knowledge around where I work and I do not mean that unkindly and it is always very gratifying when we do something like this and it triggers a positive reaction

  5. Those plaques are lovely. I can vouch for lots of insects in your workplace when I visited last year so it must be even better now.

    1. thank you lovely lady - I remember you took a gazillion photos that day!

  6. Those plaques are beautiful! I don't mind these cold bright days, it's the dark, dreary wet ones I hate. Mind you, we're lucky here in the Midlands, no snow! xxx

    1. I would rather a crisp wintery sunny day rather than the dreich wet stuff but I draw the line at driving on icy roads - *shudder* that really spooks me!

  7. Gosh it has been cold recently but it is thawing now. I must try to visit your work place this year and see how it has changed since my last visit. I might bring the same friend again! I think it will be a few months though! I would like to see bees etc when we visit.

  8. I love your insect plaques. They are beautiful. But my favourite picture is the first with those delicate ice crystals on the plants. Recognise the bench too!! XX
