Tuesday, January 16

Snow sun today🌨️☀️

A gentle well wrapped up walk was called for on Sunday afternoon - all morning had been limping along with dreary grey nothing weather and we'd felt the need to get out.
As we left the valley our village inhabits, the clouds made an effort to peel apart and let the weak winter sunlight through and it was most welcome.

Although the valley itself was still shaded, we, on the ridge were bathed in soft afternoon light as we followed a stone wall lined farm track. It still pleases me that we can tumble out of our house and within a few paces be out of the village and on farm tracks or pathways.

By the time we'd reached the community playing fields - the sun shone out and it was blindingly glorious.
Squinting as we walked, I could feel it's warmth on my face. The combination of that and the cuttingly fresh air was invigorating (and a little breath taking!) A little sunshine on a drab January day lifts not only the mood but elevates gentle winter colour to something a lot more fiery - terracottas, lime greens, silvery greys, russets.

Today is quite different - snow. Back to the soft dove greys, muted faded shades with an icy white covering. It has gently but determinedly snowed all morning so the light frosting we woke up to is now a little more mounded and wintery.
With that in mind, I am inside appreciating the woodburner, warm brews and the company of Youngest who is working from home today.
The cat is a little miffed that each time she ventures out she returns with a thick coating of wet snow on her back. She has taken to sitting in front of the woodburner to improve her mood!
Keep warm, stay warm and be more cat - find a woodburner to melt the snow off your fur.

Comments response:

Eileen H - hopefully you don't join the ranks of the anonnie mouses as it is rather annoying!🤔
gz - I remember you mentioning you've had issues like that before ❤️
Little Winter Ways  - I hope you and Jules are right, it is rather annoying when something so simple as trying to reply is thwarted by blogger

Lulu - thank you - I had not realised how much I was missing sketching until I got of the hurdle of 'I can't do this' and it has been like the flood gates being lifted! Enjoy your weekly sketch club 😊
Bag End Gardener - I often think of dear Daisy dog with the glorious ears, she and Moss will forever be 'Best dogs in the world' xxx🐾💚
Beth - lovely to 'see' you again :) Drat Blogger and it's fickle ways 😁

Post Script: Youngest has decided we need a lunch break walk - so call me sledge and a team of huskies, I might need them!🛷🌨️🌨️☃️


  1. Just an icing sugar amount if snow here so far. Cosying up indoors!!

    1. We've had more than a dusting but in comparison to other earlier winters - not much, but the over night freezing temperatures certainly have made it rather icy! keep warm xx

  2. Even though a cold winter walk is lovely, I'm definitely with the cat. There's nothing nicer than settling down in front of the fire with a hot drink and (toast, cake or chocolate), a book or crafting project. Bliss!
    Best wishes

  3. it's so bitterly cold, I'm with the cat stay home in front of the fire if you can.

    1. It is bitter - besides the cat needs the company!

  4. After venturing to the care home for a'light shift' yesterday I'm ready for a day by the fireside for sure...of course as I have two cats I'll be on regular let me in, let me out duty! x

    1. We were at the beck and call of our cats until we installed a cat flap - apart from the brisk breeze which whistles through when the weather comes from the east, it has been brilliant.

  5. That wood burner looks very tempting to sit in front, your cat has the right idea.

    1. We love our woodburner - the cat worships it!

  6. I recognised that walk! We were up there not so long ago. That's what I love about your blogs, seeing places I know! I'm definitely staying in today! Keep warm and safe.

    1. Finally I am able to comment - albeit a rather convoluted route - I have been having issues with folk (including me) not being able to comment - hopefully it is all sorted now 😊❤️

  7. A lovely post. Especially like the sun photo , beautiful colours. My little cat doesn't go out , she's always finding the warmest spots to settle though. X
