Tuesday, March 19

Vanishing into the edgelands

This last weekend was a simple treasure made all the better by a bit of gentle spring sunshine which managed to slip through the ever present grey cloud - the kind that warms your cheek and feels glorious on your back. I have missed that feeling.

We spent Saturday quietly feral up in the South Lakes - walking along the coast, through woodland, skirting around Leighton Moss and Leighton Hall, choosing pathways less trod. Admittedly with one eye on the sky at all times, we managed to miss getting too wet by staying in the woodland every time there was a passing shower.

On the Sunday we came back down below Lancaster to an area we love - an 'edgeland' where mainstream life seems to have passed it by. Himself and I feel comfortable in these often forgotten 'wastelands' where life is a struggle, jobs are few and far between yet the folk are real, hardy, dogged and somehow make the best of what they have with apparent haphazard joy and defiance. 

We both have jobs where we are surrounded by busy folk, mine takes a lot of from me - not just physically but emotionally. I work with a lot of damaged people, those who trying to claw their way out of poverty, depression, stress, breakdowns, loneliness. So these weekends away are healing.

And it gives both of us the space to breathe.

Post Script: thank you so much for your comments on my last post - I was having doubts about continuing blogging - not because I don't enjoy it, I do - I just seemed to have lost the spark. But, if you are quite happy to read my wafflings, I will continue to waffle ๐Ÿ˜Š

I have read a couple of bloggers saying that it is now difficult to find new blogs to read.  I found Blogger has reduced the ability to go 'shopping' for someone new to read. So, I now go on to the 'followers' menu on a blog I already follow, open a random name (their own blog link is never available) and go and see who they read and find new blogs to follow there. 


  1. Thanks for sharing your walks..I am seriously missing walks and rides.
    I look for new bloggers that way too. So many blog readers only though. Although it does take a bit of nerve to start!

    1. I can fully understand that loss of walking and riding, they will return - just being timed with the improving weather๐Ÿ˜Šโ˜”
      I was surprised too, by the number of readers vs bloggers, it is also sad how many have vanished with out explanation. Here is to another year of blogging and supporting bloggers!

  2. It looks beautifully wide and so quiet. Iโ€™m sure it is really restorative. Itโ€™s hard not to soak up others stresses when working closely with them. Glad you had chance for a bit of quiet time โ˜บ๏ธ. Carol x

    1. It is easy to avoid folk, they are still there but once you find the quieter places - yes, it is very restorative. x

  3. That should say wild and quiet ๐Ÿ™ˆ

  4. Ooh...photo number 3...beautiful...Please don't stop blogging...there are plenty about, but not all that many I want to read! xx

  5. Love your day in the wild & I've had so much trouble with blogger too & as I said on your last post, that I've just read too. Hope you keep blogging. Take care & hugs.

    1. Hi Susan, sounds like quite a few folk have had issues with blogger -๐Ÿ˜Š ! finally feel that I am finding my way round the issues - long may that last! x

  6. I like the term 'quietly feral'. Xx

  7. I've just found your blog, thank you for visiting mine. I used to follow blogs through Bloglovin' but got tired of all the strange followers that you knew were bots or worse... looking at their profiles. that unfortunately meant you couldn't find new blogs. I think the easiest way is probably to look at the follow list of your friend's blogs and see if you are interested to write.
    I've just started up the 'Five on Friday' link party again, hopefully it may bring bloggers together, as we visit everyone that linked in.
    I enjoyed reading about your walk, love the photos, I feel like a walk now but I need to go to work. Cathy

    1. Thank you ๐ŸŒž I also tried bloglovin' but found it clunky when I tried to look for new blogsx

  8. I used to blog every day, but as the years have passed I have reduced the number of posts to a couple of times a week. I've never really worked out what makes a good blog post, but if you write from your heart using your authentic voice then it comes across. I enjoy the gentle privilege of being able to peek into the corners of ordinary folks' lives. Arilx

  9. Please keep blogging, even if not regularly. I can't really go for long walks so to see yours is a real tonic. Thanks for making the effort to blog. x
