Friday, September 1

One brief weekend

 It must be something about the melancholy of approaching autumn that makes me return to blogging.

I started my first blog in September 2009, which after a few years morphed into my second version mid November 2012 and now this one - my third. 

Why the changes?  Well, like changing the carpet or the car, it felt that it was time to move to 'pastures new'.

I suspect I am a landlocked mermaid - we spent a glorious long weekend up in Dumfries and Galloway and at every opportunity I stared at that liminal line between sea and sky.

Watching the last of the late summer swallows tumble in the evening sunlight was magical and heart breaking in equal measure, when they go, then so does the last of the summer's warmth. 
Plans are being made for a garden make over - I struggle with mine, I can advise and design a garden for anyone - except me. This autumn will be different and my garden will evolve into something new. I am actually excited at the prospect - something I can't say I have felt for my precious little piece of earth for a very long time. 

Here is to turning the earth and tuning in with the turning of the seasons.

PS why are weekends the fastest/shortest days of the week?


  1. I'm tempted to write "thank goodness you're here" but I'm refraining for fear of seeming to be an unhinged stalker. I assure you, I too am just bordering on odd, and it's wonderful to hear your voice again. An autumn garden makeover sounds like the perfect preparation for spring.

    1. Thank you Beth - I'd apprehensively dipped my toe back into the world of blogging - your words have given me courage to continue 😊

  2. Welcome back. We have missed you. xx

  3. Oh, how lovely to "hear" from you again. You were Hawthorn Spellweaver when I first met you, and it is still how I often think of you.

    Liminal . . . ah, yes, xxx

  4. Brilliant to find you are about! Missed your blog so much. Love the new banner. Can't wait for future installments. x

  5. It's so lovely to see you blogging again. You've been missed. Xx
