Thursday, September 21

Below the water line

The last couple of days have been rather wet - although not as wet as above. Yesterday I spent most of it hunkered down in the glasshouse at work with a couple of diehard volunteers who despite me suggesting they stayed home and dry still arrived bringing with them grins and good company. 

I've spent most of today (not as planned) working my way through the house which has been somewhat neglected of late. I seem to fill my life then - when I do have downtime - I have to profess to sliding in to a state of slothdom where just making a mug of tea needs effort. Thanks Covid you are still making your insidious presence felt. Hey ho! But! On to more pleasant things - We have our boys and their lovely girls home this weekend, there is a birthday to celebrate and kittens to play with.

Despite today's promised dreary and wet weather not materialising, I've a line full of freshly washed laundry outside - it's going to smell aired and feel wonderful, there is something rather satisfying about airdried washing. Here is to Friday and a family filled weekend xx

post script : the watery photos are of our small pond - I've a new camera I am trying to master and it has a 'dunk your camera in water' option and I was rather carefully trying it out .....


  1. Your garden work is nicely varied!
    There are far more interesting things in life than housework..but I agree about the washing..managed to get the sheets wash and A N Other wash near enough dry on the line, enough to air/iron.
    Have a good family is September weekend here, with everything closed tonight until Tuesday morning.

    1. Where I work - the garden is the 'backbone' to a lot of different things that we do - I am the gardener however I also do an awful lot of 'other' stuff. Variety is the spice of life etc.... but every now and then I have to stamp my feet and remind folk that I am the gardener!

  2. Love the underwater pictures, especially the second one. That is one smart camera you have. Look forward to seeing more watery pictures. Here's to a lovely birthday and family weekend. xx

    1. Thank you :)
      and yes - here is to the weekend!πŸ°πŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸŽπŸ“¦πŸ°πŸŽ‚

  3. You are a braver woman than me even to try the 'dunk it in water' option. I would be afraid of dropping the darn thing never to be seen again as it sinks into the silt . . .

    Are the kittens you will be playing with accompanying your visitors or permanent residents?

    1. Kittens come with Eldest and his gf - they sadly leave with them too! Couple of irresistibly naughty little things with such innocent faces and huge whiskers (the kittens not my son and his girl!!)
      As for the 'dunk it in water' option - I hovered over the water for about ten minutes almost dunking then retrieving at last moment! Eventually I did and love the effect - may have to try again!

  4. I am glad to have found your new blog! Your watery pictures are lovely.

    1. Lovely to see you here too :) and thank you - I think I need to be brave and try more photos soon

  5. Brave you dunking your camera! But they are very interesting photos! x

    1. It felt risky rather than brave! I haven't tried it since😊
