Wednesday, January 8

Laying down the first tracks

 A personal challenge - try and write something every day for January 2025 


The crusty crunch of our boots on the now frozen snow was the loudest sound first thing this morning as we kissed our goodbyes. It was still dark and the thermometer in my car said it was -7°c .... it certainly felt like it.

the track last week before more snow 
was unceremoniously dumped in large quantities

At work, I turned into the small access lane along side the park. It is a rough and unforgiving little track in the best of weathers so I knew today was going to be a rather bumpy ride. And it was. As I reached the far end, I noticed that were no other tyre marks - I was the first to arrive but not only that - the first to drive up the lane and onto the carpark since the more recent heavy snow .... I slowed down, carefully pulling into the small space we share with the Council lads and gently reverse parked hoping I would be able to drive back out.

Later I was cheerfully informed that everyone who'd tried to drive in a day earlier had to be dug free ....   It was good to catch up with some of the volunteers and the staff.  My 'work family' are actually special to me - but don't let them know that, it would go to their heads! 

Glad to be home though, I've had enough of this intrepid-driving/working-in-the-snow-lark - give me warm sunshine any day.


  1. Driving this time of year here in eastern Canada is always a challenge. I prefer the sunny, snow-free days too.

    1. I know that snow in the uk pales into insignificance in comparison to Canadian winters, however, this little island seems to go into a bit of a tailspin when a flake or two starts to fall, my excuse is I grew up and learnt to drive in Africa - hence my caution !

  2. I walked into work this morning. I'm so relieved that I am able to do this if I want to. Years ago I used to dread weather like this, when I was working mobile in the community.
    I'm glad you had a safe journey, Kate. Xx

  3. I walked into work this morning. I'm so relieved that I am able to do this if I want to. Years ago I used to dread weather like this, when I was working mobile in the community.
    I'm glad you had a safe journey, Kate. Xx

    1. I dread driving in the snow or driving rain, a fair chunk of my commute is on the motorway and that seems to have its fair share of 'challenging' drivers on the road ...

  4. Sensible parking! And home safe. Well done. Good to keep up contact too

    1. It was good making connections, quite a few folk needed a breather from their homes so it was good to be able to offer that means of momentary escape x

  5. We made it home safely from Wales. We were super cautious and took the A55/M6 as there still looked to be lots of snow on the mountains. Nowhere near as pretty a drive but at least we didn’t get stuck anywhere. Take care. Carol x
