Sunday, January 19

Gentle Sunday nothings

A small downy white feather was lightly drifting on our pond. The slightest of breeze gently twisting it around - a little swan in it's own little lake. 

Although still, meteorologically speaking, late winter today felt a bit like spring. When the weather is quiet, with a muted air about her, Spring has a certain stillness that feels clear and fresh.   

With a sense of anticipation. 

Snowdrop and daffodil leaves have pushed through the decaying leaves left by autumn promising much - just not yet.....I will have to wait a little longer.

The birds have been singing their little hearts out - Robins, Coal, Great and Blue Tits, Blackbirds, House Sparrows and both the Gold and Bullfinches. They are also celebrating that the seasons are turning and each day further from the solstice is a day nearer spring.

In the greenhouse I'd left an untidy mess from an end of year pruning of the vine which - to my shame - I never cleared up. However just by a lucky turn of events, I am now to teach a Spring Wreath workshop and the once discarded vines are now twisty hedgerow wreaths ready to fully dry and then be decorated with hand made nests with faux eggs, moss, feathers and ivy.


  1. We had our first foray out into the garden today. Just a bit of leaf clearing. I know my future self will be glad that I made the effort today when I am ready to get out there properly. Carol x

    1. First thing this morning, over breakfast, I thought I would tackle the garden and listed all the things that needed to be done, then once wrapped up warmly (so much so I could hardly bend) I got so cold that the attraction soon wore out!

    2. That’s the good thing about leaf clearing … all that raking does keep you warm 😀

  2. Great idea with the leftover vines. Love the photo with the feather floating there.

    1. I was rather taken by the teeny tiny feather on the water, gently swirling around 😊

  3. Yes another day nearer spring. I too have been thinking of getting out into the greenhouse, just like you to tidy up what I did not do late last autumn! But it's rather cold for me..... From a window I can see daffodil shoots so my excitement builds. I too have noticed lots more bird song, cheerful songs rather than the dull winter ones. x

    1. I agree that the bird song has upped in tempo, I know it is only just January but I am so looking forward to a bit of dry sunshine and warmth. My feet would a lot happier! 🥶❄️

  4. Its been far too cold here in the Midlands to garden! Have a fabulous time at the workshop. xxx

    1. Yes, we found it cold too - however today at work - jeez it was cold! thank goodness we could find work in the glasshouse

  5. There are definitely the first stirrings of spring afoot m’thinks lass, though I am pleased we have had something that resembles a winter this time around.

    1. I have to agree that this winter was the 'most wintery' winter we have had recently, but it does not do my head space any good when it reverts to this awful dreary grey wet stuff we seem to be blessed with.

  6. I've noticed that I've been getting more birds on the feeder, these last few days, but the weather here is far from spring-like.
    The wreath workshop sounds exciting. Xx

    1. It is far from spring like today I have to say, positively dreary to say the very least!
