Tuesday, January 28

A definite lack of rainbows

Being driven home in the dark whilst the car radio on allows my mind to wander. Himself is occupied by the drive and by nature is not a chatty person so I entertain myself with staring out the window.

The windscreen is stained by dried rain splatters and flicked up road dirt. This time of year it seems pointless trying to keep the car clean as every time I drive to and from work, my little white car has filthy streaks trailing down his sides. Yes, my car is male and he has a name - Bob.

In the distance small lights flicker as trees pass between us on the freeway and the farms sprinkled out on the hills. Sunday was a rather long day, we'd spent it with Youngest who'd put our a plea for help laying tiles on his kitchen floor and it turned out to be one of those 'takes longer than you think' jobs.

Storm Herminia was building up as Youngest's lovely girl and I were outside measuring the garden and discussing possible plans and layouts. It just got too wild and windy to linger so we retreated to the house and with mugs of tea and the internet we searched for ideas and inspiration whilst we watched the weather thrash about outside.

Monday was still reeling from the storm and although not as intense as the previous one, the walled garden suffered more damage. So after a meeting I started rescuing obelisks and wooden fence panels and dragging them into the glasshouse where they can dry off, get repaired then return to the garden. Some days at work - regardless at what life throws at me - I step up to the mark and come home satisfied. Then there are some days at work - I just want to shut the gate behind me and throw away the key.

Now, today, I am watching the finest of guti (that dreadful 'Scotch Mist / mizzle / drizzle / mist) that seeps through not just clothing but manages to dampen down through bones and flesh too. 

I know it is the dying days of January but surely we are due some nicer weather? I'd like to think so!

The pictures were snapped on Sunday evening on our drive home


  1. I am hoping for nicer weather soon too. For us, add another two month…maybe. I hope you have more luck.

    1. Your winters are definitely more robust and certainly mean more business than our soggy damp and dreary ones, however I find that it is the grey dreariness so wearing, when we do get snow and blue skies it does feel so much better!

  2. The next couple of days look quite lovely, but then, unfortunately, it's a return to the grey and damp. It will soon be spring, Kate. Xx

    1. Today was gently beautiful and yes, I keep telling myself spring is not that far away x

  3. Ooh, do hope the weather starts improving for you over there and as one of our younger grandsons has just arrived for a working holiday there, he must wonder what he has wandered into.😒 Stay warm and take care.

    1. There is supposed to be a spate of nicer days however more winter storms are promised, but today was lovely - such a blessed change

  4. You certainly are due some nicer weather!

    1. today has gently made up for the last few weeks, I hope it lasts!

  5. Well it's a few days later since you wrote this post and we've had some decent weather! Fingers crossed the snow does not return. x
